Friday 4 October 2013

Week 2 - 11 Second Club

I want to work in the computer games industry, therefore I have chosen to base my main animation project for 3rd year on many short animation cycles suitable for a games, although I don't plan on being an animator learning 3D could be helpful for group projects.

The 11 Second Club - my idea was to go with a humorous animation.

IDEA 1- Aliens or robots on there spaceship experimenting on a random object. The object could be a fruit or vegetable that they have taken from earth and are confused by it.

IDEA 2 - Aliens or robots have landed in someones garden from there space ship and have encountered a vegetable. The vegetable could be a Jack O Lantern (works with the October theme) that they are probing because they think it is a creature, there instruments then backfire causing the pumpkin to explode.

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